Friday, February 11, 2011

Let us Prioritize...

When there was a nationwide telephone poll at the end of last month, on what should be the focus of the new Congress, it was reported that more than four in ten Americans felt that job creation should be the number one focus. Even though health care is a hot topic that has it's share of people talking, according to the 1,036 Americans, give or take, that took part in the poll only 18% felt that health care should be the primary focus.

The fairly recent poll conducted by New York Times/CBS News, reports that a majority of Americans do not really understand how the health care law affects them. It was stated that approximately 56% of Americans, don't truly feel that the law's impact was thoroughly explained to them. Therefore, making it kind of difficult for most people to express their concerns and opinions.

Working in a pharmacy as a technician, I have to deal with insurance companies first hand. As well as, I have to explain to customers, especially Medicare patients, on why their plans are leaving them out to dry. So, for me, health care is more of a touchier subject, but you can read more about the poll in this article:

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